foto: Charlotte Brouckaert
“Being human means nothing when you’re alone.”
A meditative psychological science fiction crystallizing around the experiences of a cosmonaut on board of a disintegrating spaceship.
The cosmonaut, symbol of the greatest height of progression of the modern era, becomes the victim of his own success. Doomed to fall down in Icarus style, the cosmonaut is fighting a lost battle to prevent the collapse of the system on which he depends.
Surrealistically permeated with sounds and images from the time of the Renaissance, this solo performance also proposes a reflection on man's timeless longing to unify himself with his universe.
Dedicated to Erwin, who navigated so beautiful in extremely bad weather.
Concept, choreografie, soundtrack en uitvoering : Armand van den Hamer
Licht ontwerp : Anne van Es
Coproductie : Les Brigittines, Danscentrumjette Met dank aan Roxane Huilmand, Wolfgang Kolb, Sammy Dellicour, Nicole Mossoux, Patrick Bonté