La vie au bord du puits is a project based on the story of the life of an old farmer woman, born in Bretagne, coming together with a popular tale: the girl with the cut arms. This cross writing meets the texts of the rich tradition of popular songs of high-Bretagne, France. During a series of interviews conducted in 2006 and 2007, Germaine Thomas, then aged 82 years, has raised the thread of her life. Her biography evokes the difficult living conditions for women in rural society in the last century.
premiered in Brussels Theatre Ocean Nord
With: Marie-Rose Meysman, Guilhem Maréchal, Candy Saulnier et Baptiste Vaes.
Artistic collaboration: Hélène Cordier
Choreography : Armand van den Hamer
Scenography : Satu Peltoniemi
Costumes : Patricia Eggerickx
Lumières : Julie Petit-Etienne